Business Advisory
The way we work with you is very straight forward. The first thing we’ll do is have a look to see what is actually happening in the business as it stands.
We need to get a complete understanding of what’s going on first. Then we’ll work with you to develop specific, tailored strategies to:
Systemise the business
One thing we’ve learned – no business can perform unless all of the necessary systems are in place and are working correctly. What sort of systems? Things like procedures covering Operations, Finances, Administration, Sales, Marketing, Management, Technology – the list goes on. We’ll help you identify the gaps and overlaps and get them sorted.
Train your team
It’s no good having great systems unless you have a team of motivated people to operate those systems. Usually the monthly wages bill is one of your largest commitments. It’s obvious you need to make the most of this by investing in maximising the team’s potential. We have a suite of programs and materials designed to get the very best out of your team.
Review and correct
Once we implement a strategy, it’s important to make sure it’s working. We’ll help you set up practical methods of measuring the results.
Keep you on track
We’ll meet with you on a regular basis to review your progress and make sure you are implementing the things that you said that you wanted to grow your business. In the meantime, we’ll be working with you, putting in place the systems and strategies that will give the business forward momentum. We’re NOT your boss – we’re here to help you achieve the goals that you wanted for the business. One thing’s for sure, your business NEVER stands still. It’s either growing or declining as the market changes. We’ll be there with you to keep you focused on success.
Advise and guide you
Our knowledge base is substantial. We have literally thousands of documents, templates, procedures, spreadsheets, Power Point presentations, workshops, video and voice files for you to take advantage of. There’s no need to “reinvent the wheel” – we’ll already have it to hand. All you need to do is customise it for your business with our help. This makes implementation much easier and faster. After all, it’s the results that are the goal here.
Be a sounding board
One of our greatest advantages for you is the simple fact that we don’t work in your business. As we are not involved in the day-to-day running of the business, this provides us with a unique perspective in helping identify the opportunities for the business.
In addition, we’re not involved in the day-to-day politics of the business. We’re seen by everyone involved as an “honest broker” in the process. This allows your staff and other stakeholders the freedom to approach us to discuss individual issues and get them sorted.
The path to business success is thankfully a very well worn one. Literally millions of other business owners have travelled it before you. Like anything in life, there is a right way and a wrong way of getting it done. Every successful business that you can think of started out as someone’s idea. Our goal is to help make your idea and your business goals a reality.